Singing has physical benefits.  When you sing, your posture and breathing is different to when you speak.  It’s like a sport.  And just as in playing sport, singing promotes mental and physical fitness.  It creates endorphins and it leaves you feeling uplifted and energised.

So, get out your old favourite record or CD, put it on the player, and dance around the room.  You’ll enjoy it.  I do.

“Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are great because of their passion.”    ... Martha Graham. 

Women with curves too often can't find flattering clothing.  To many manufacturers the curves create confusion to their engineering capabilities.  Why is that so?

A women's curves should be complimented and enhanced, not treated as something merely to be covered for decency's sake, or not to be hidden behind garments that show nothing of a woman's beauty.

There's a list of "don'ts" when it comes to what a curavaceous woman CAN wear.   She shouldn't wear stripes, she shouldn't wear frills, or tiny florals.   She shouldn't think deep and delicious colours - oh, no, she should stay with the "safe" colours that manufacturers seem to think are essential ALL the time.  That list includes Black - this colour is flattering and should be included in every woman's wardrobe but not necessarily in preference to other colours when the occasion calls for something bright and vivid.  As well as Black, they say  Navy, Brown, Dark Grey and Beige are "safe".  But "safe" and flattering are two entirely different things.

This jewel-coloured garment has beautiful pleating around the bodice as well as the hipline and looks stunning.   

It's becoming more difficult to find Australian garments like this, so this is where the internet, and those outlets here that are brave enough to include overseas garments in their selections, come into their own.

Look around - you'll be amazed at just what is available over here.


It’s many things. Here are some of them.

Self esteem is learning to like yourself (as you are!). Self esteem is learning to see yourself as a friend would see you, as a person worthy of respect. Self esteem is learning that it is not being selfish if you want things - perhaps you’d like to go to university; you’d like to have a top flight career; and you’d like to dress well.

Self esteem is learning that people from all sorts of walks of life should treat you with respect and courtesy. Self esteem is learning that your health and fitness especially if you are plus-size, should be seen as being of the same worth as a more petite and younger person. Self esteem is learning that your opinions should be respected. Self esteem is learning that your intelligence should never be questioned. Self esteem is learning that how you dress is your choice and that you shouldn’t be expected to accept derision or contempt. Self esteem is learning that you have a special place in this universe, and no one has the right to take this away from you.

Self esteem is learning that you have rights. Rights that may include being able to choose for yourself those things that will make you happy. Choosing for yourself those things that you don’t agree with. Choosing for yourself your own circle of friends. Choosing for yourself what you may eat and what you may choose not to eat. 

Self esteem is learning that no one has the right to push you into doing things that you don’t want to do. Self esteem is learning that you can do what you want if you really want to. Self esteem is learning that you can wish for anything you want and then go out and make your wishes come true.

Self esteem is learning that you have a right to be loved. By others and by yourself. Self esteem is learning that no one has a right to belittle you, to put you down or to walk over you. 

Self esteem is learning that you have the right to pursue a career, and that promotions are part and parcel of that career,

Self esteem is learning that you have the right to look for a partner and the right to be loved and respected by that person.

........© 2011-2013 Autumn Parry


    A woman who enjoys meeting and mingling with like-minded women and who loves making notes about all manner of things.


    February 2013
    January 2013